Family Coach
A Family Coach is assigned to each Host Family. The Family Coach will visit regularly and serve as a support to the family as they encounter the joys and struggles that come with opening their home to a child and building a relationship with the parents in crisis.
Family Friend
A Family Friend assists the host family by helping with things like babysitting, transportation, meals or running errands.
A Family Friend also develops a mentoring relationship with the family in crisis. Often families in crisis may need more help regaining stability in their homes than a Host Family can provide. In these situations, a Family Friend comes alongside the parent as a mentor and guide to help them make the necessary changes in their lives through friendship, conversation and assistance in accessing available community services.

Resource Friend
Resource Friends are a collection of resource rich individuals who have the ability to share their skills or material goods. Guided by Family Friends, these gifts are connected directly to the urgent, pressing needs of families. Resource Friends help by providing:
Professional services such as physicians, dentists, mental health professionals, barbers and teachers
Donations such as diapers, formula, gently-used baby equipment and children’s clothing